noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: noto-cjk-fonts-ttf (Google's Noto CJK fonts)
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: Noto Sans CJK and Noto Serif CJK comprehensively cover Simplified
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in a unified font
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: family. This includes the full coverage of CJK Ideographs with
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: variation support for 4 regions, Kangxi radicals, Japanese Kana,
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: Korean Hangul, and other CJK symbols and letters in the Basic
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: Multilingual Plane of Unicode. It also provides limited coverage of
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: CJK Ideographs in Plane 2 of Unicode as necessary to support standards
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: from China and Japan.
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf: Homepage: